Tactics of the Coastal Artillery (KA)

The text is taken from the brochure ”Coastal Artillery Organization and Tactics” published by the Swedish Armed Forces in 1985.

Invasion Defense
The invasion defense mission is solved after mobilization by engaging the advancing forces (raid or landing forces) with long-range systems such as coastal missiles and artillery. Subsequently, artillery and missile units with shorter ranges begin bombardment.

In addition to the island barrier and unloading area, controlled minefields are placed. The fixed barrier units also include mobile units, which are deployed either to establish rear barriers (defensive zones) within the brigade’s and battalion’s area or to quickly and unexpectedly engage the enemy’s forces on the flank to hinder their advance.

If the enemy breaches the forward ”defensive battalion,” they may enter the delaying area, where primarily ”light mobile” forces, amphibious battalions, and amphibious companies act to impede the enemy’s advance. The battle is conducted through a combination of attack, defense, and delaying actions.

Fire support is provided by units following in the mobile battle, as well as fixed and mobile artillery. Fire support can also be provided by collaborating army, air, and naval forces.

During the battle, other units from other parts of the Coastal Artillery Brigade, Coastal Defense, or from the military area(s) advance. These units establish defensive/delay zones within their assigned areas.

If the enemy manages to break through the units in the island barrier and reach the mainland, their use of the archipelago area is hindered by our units left in or nested within the enemy’s territory, with missile and mine units, as well as coastal ranger units.

By including fire controllers with these units, ships can be engaged with artillery and missiles from units grouped outside the enemy-controlled area.

The battle on the open coast is conducted similarly. The defensive zone consists of the area around the beach and unloading areas. If the enemy breaks through the defensive area, the engagement of their ships en route to the area continues. Mobile Coastal Artillery units are deployed to the area to ensure continued engagement. Land combat is conducted in cooperation with army units.

Coastal artillery units include various types of army units. Cooperation is carried out with naval and air combat forces.

In summary, coastal artillery units conduct a versatile battle by utilizing a combination of fixed and mobile units from several branches of the armed forces.

Surprise Attacks
A surprise attack requires, to be stopped, that we already have access to powerful units at the outset. The units permanently established in our archipelago area and near important ports and landing areas have this capability by being able to quickly raise readiness and, for a limited time (days), can develop significant effects with limited personnel input.

If the war develops into a protracted conflict, the same units have a very good ability to withstand engagement due to their protection systems. If damaged, they have recovery capability through access to repair resources.

The presented tactics are based on an offensive use of both fixed and mobile units over larger areas.

The basic principle is to halt the enemy before they reach the archipelago, mainland, or open coast. The enemy’s attacking force must be broken. If this fails, their advance towards and establishment in the bridgehead must be delayed and hindered. The time gained is used to deploy new units, both coastal artillery and other branches of the armed forces. The influx of units comes from other areas where fixed Coastal Artillery units can serve as a guard.